CARES Act Webinar – March 30, 2020

While the information we presented on Monday is a little outdated (less than 48 hours later), as promised the recoding is below and is still useful as a starting point for understanding your options. Dean Dorton’s team presented a webinar to discuss payroll tax credits and deferrals and SBA loans in further detail.
Dean Dorton’s team presented a webinar to discuss payroll tax credits and deferrals and SBA loans in further detail.

In our webinar recording, you’ll discover how to save cash with:
  • Refundable payroll tax credits
  • Employee retention tax credits
  • Deferred payment of employer payroll taxes
  • Payroll protection loans
  • Other cash flow loans

Who should view this recording?

  • C-suite executives
  • Controllers and accountants
  • Human resource managers
  • Anyone who plays a vital role in employment and benefits

Print PDF of Slides

The matters discussed in these materials provide general information only. You should consult with an advisor about your specific situation before undertaking any action because each organization’s situation is unique. Also, be especially aware that in this case, that is, with options available under the FFCRA and CARES Act, choosing a particular option could preclude you from other options. Furthermore, it is likely that additional guidance on the FFCRA and CARES Act will be issued by the appropriate governmental agencies, which could impact the information discussed in these materials. This information may not be construed as either accounting or legal advice.