Custom reports are a powerful tool that can be used to generate insight into your business from information stored throughout Intacct. Unlike financial reports, custom reports pull information from individual records and fields instead of account groups. Customization Services is a required subscription for using Custom Reports in Intacct.

To begin creating a custom report, navigate to Customization Services -> Reports -> Add. The Custom Reports wizard will help guide you through selecting, sorting, filtering, and displaying the information you want in your new report. The first step is to choose the basic format type for the report.

A Tabular report will display information in rows with a single grand total when applicable.
The Summary report will group rows together and display subtotals as well as a grand total.
The next step is to select the ‘data type’. This selection will serve as the base for the information you want to be able to see or drill down to in your report. For example, you might select “Invoice” if your report is going to primarily contain information related to customer invoices.

Now we need to choose the columns to include. In this screen, you will start working from the data type you selected in the previous step. From here, you can drill down through the hierarchy of data to different information. Any field that has a green arrow indicates that you will be able to drill down into more details by clicking that item on the report. At this point, you are only selecting the columns that you think you might use – there will be the option to filter it more later in the process.

Check back next week for Part 2 of this tutorial, where we will cover adding calculations, sorting, and filters.