Credit Cards are a widespread method of payment used not only by individuals but also in business. They are incredibly convenient substitutes for cash or checks, and an essential component of electronic commerce.
Businesses pay suppliers with a credit card, provide their employees with corporate cards for travel expenses and small reimbursable purchases, and accept credit card payments from customers.Intacct-credit-card-blog.jpg
As the volume of credit card payments continues to grow, businesses must be able to rely on their computer systems to seamlessly handle these transactions.
Intacct, the best-in-class cloud financial solution, is credit card ready. It offers multiple paths to support credit card usage so you can:
Set up credit card accounts in your Cash Management solution, have visibility over each of those accounts and automatically reconcile them—just the same as checking and savings accounts.
Pay suppliers with your corporate credit card by taking advantage of American Express Vendor Payment Services,, Nexonia, or any of the many solutions that provide Intacct-ready integration.
Simplify your expense management with solutions already integrated with Intacct such as Expensify, Concur, and Nexonia Expenses–to name a few.
Take credit card payments using already integrated services provided by partners such as PayPal and
Create your own integration using Intacct’s credit card integration tools.
Join our Intacct Cloud Byte session on February 16, 2017, at 2 PM ET and learn how to manage your credit card transactions with Intacct.
In this session, you will learn about:
The different options to pay or be paid with credit card.
How to have full visibility of your credit card accounts by tagging your transactions to any reporting dimension that is relevant to your business.
About the impact of recording your credit card activity with journal entry transactions and compare it with the impact of using account payable transactions.
In this Cloud Byte webcast, we will review real-life scenarios and best practices to use credit cards with your Intacct solution.
Make sure you don’t miss our free credit-card-focused Intacct Cloud Byte session, Register, now!