When it comes to something as fundamental to business as accounting, it rarely pays to rock the boat. That may help explain why many accounting teams still rely on the same legacy accounting software that’s been in place for years or decades. If it still works and people feel comfortable using it, why deal with finding, implementing, and learning a replacement?

In the case of Microsoft Dynamics GP and many other long-running accounting solutions, the cost of keeping the existing software in place may be (much) higher than it seems. What’s more, the cost goes up the longer legacy software remains.

With accounting software, the status quo gets extremely expensive. Here’s how:

Installing Annual Updates

Updating legacy software starts by learning what the updates include and how they affect the existing toolkit. Then someone in-house has to install the updates, which takes time, or a third party does it, which takes money. Falling behind on the updates puts the entire system, and the entire accounting process, in jeopardy.

Running Tech On-Prem

From purchasing servers and infrastructure hardware to paying for office space and electricity, running legacy technology on-premises comes with high costs. It also takes significant amounts of time, skill, and specialized staff to keep that technology running optimally and securely—because lapses in either come with high costs of their own.

Dealing with Dated Features

Microsoft Dynamics GP no longer receives major functionality additions, just as other developers have effectively abandoned their older software to focus on something new. Getting increasingly outdated software to work with modern tools often requires expensive support from consultants and developers. Even worse, yesterday’s technology misses out on the best of what today’s and tomorrow’s technology can do—advancements like artificial intelligence that are changing accounting as we know it.

Downtime and Disruption

Software, like anything else, gets more prone to breaking down with age. Downtime happens more frequently. It also happens for longer since older, often highly customized systems take longer to fix and have fewer outlets for support. Plus, there’s no service level agreement (SLA) offering a cost reduction for downtime—the victim bears the whole burden.

Switching Software is a Golden Opportunity

We often frame software replacements as expensive and difficult, but the description applies better to the software already in place. Sure, it may be functional and familiar, except that it comes with high and hidden costs, perhaps none greater than the lost opportunity to use superior technology to upgrade all facets of accounting and finance.

If leaving behind legacy accounting software seems like a difficult or daunting proposition, rely on Dean Dorton. With expertise in accounting, technology, and Microsoft Dynamics GP specifically (among others), we know how to make all aspects of the software transition run smoothly.

Get your switcher journey started – contact us.