Lexington, KY
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Business Consulting Services Associate Director
John has more than 37 years of accounting experience, with 31 years in public accounting. During the last 14 years, John has spent most of his professional time performing business valuations and related litigation consulting and litigation support services. In addition to his valuation and litigation work, he continues to serve clients in the contracting, wholesale distribution, sports entertainment, and retail industries, providing various business advisory consulting services.
John has served in the CFO role for businesses in the contracting, wholesale distribution, sports entertainment, and retail industries. He has performed valuations in a variety of contexts, including marital dissolutions, estate, gift, and income tax planning and reporting, shareholder transactions, and mergers and acquisitions. John has valued companies engaged in the coal, oil and gas, construction, manufacturing, equine, healthcare, and wholesale distribution industries. He has also valued a variety of retail establishments (including restaurants), service businesses, and holding companies owning real estate, marketable securities, closely-held stocks, and other assets.
Speaking Engagements
John has experience in public speaking on topics such as business valuation, personal goodwill, valuing stock options, and services that financial experts can provide for family law attorneys.
Professional Activities
Community Involvement