Fort Wright, KY
Direct Line: 859.957.1427
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Assurance Director
Beth is a Director and career-long member of the firm, having joined in 1998 as a co-op. Beth specializes in the manufacturing and distribution industry. As a leader of Dean Dorton’s Manufacturing & Distribution Group, Beth collaborated with a leading financial institution to form a Manufacturing & Distribution Financial Leaders Roundtable. This roundtable, which meets bi-monthly, discusses critical industry topics and provides a place to form relationships with industry peers.
Beth also leads the firm’s joint venture with Rodl & Partner, which focuses on serving U.S. subsidiaries of European-owned companies. The joint venture provides a wide array of services to this niche, including assurance, tax, transfer pricing, and more.
Beth’s public accounting experience includes auditing, review, compilation and business advisory services to a wide range of closely-held businesses. She also previously led the firm’s Employee Benefit Plan Audit Practice and is the former director of the firm’s Quality Control Committee. Beth regularly presents as a subject matter expert for various panels and speaking engagements.
Industry Expertise
Beth specializes in manufacturing and distribution industry accounting.
Professional Activities
Community Involvement