Business is booming. Your company is expanding, in what seems like no time at all.

Amidst the growth however, you’ve been noticing that it takes longer to close the books, that your team scrambles to mess with pivot tables and endless static excel spreadsheets to get answers today that you needed yesterday, and often, you can’t help but wonder how the competition is faring with their teams amidst their growth, too.

You know you that the right solutions for your company are out there.  But, as you stand in the dark with new problems and demands as a result of growth, you may not know just what solutions will best address them because your priorities look so different from even just a few years ago when your company was preparing for growth.

It wasn’t all that long ago when financial teams considered it more prudent to stick with tried-and-true systems in order to avoid risk, but now, with the advent of ever-changing technology, we are in a different age, and those same belief systems applied to an information-based market no longer apply.

In today’s market, to provide the best, most-up-to-date service, your business systems not only need to satisfy customers and compete with other industry leaders in your market but also must live up to your standards to offer fast, detailed, accurate information to make the most informed decisions needed to manage growth.

Yet with so many variables, it can be difficult for companies to make an informed decision as they aim to modernize their outdated systems. Making matters worse, many companies opt to stick to their current systems for fear of making an unwise tech decision for their company.

But playing it safe can be placing their businesses at risk in more ways than they might think.

According to Saugatuck Tech, 90% of all businesses are applying some cloud-related tech to change, improve and innovate their businesses.


Just because you are entering into unexplored territory doesn’t mean that you have to push ahead uninformed.

We know the risks and we find solutions for companies that are blazing trails in their technical fields.  We know what the most tech-savvy businesses face as they grow.

“Finance at a Crossroads – The Risks of Standing Still” offers expert advice and risk factors involved in your company’s response to growth during this critical time of change for your business.

If you’re at a crossroads, switching to Sage Intacct-a best-in-class cloud accounting solution, can boost your business to be the best version of itself that it can be.