Will I Be Able to Track Funds and Monitor Budgets?
Whether you are funded by public grants, private grants, or donations – tracking the status and use of your funds is crucial. If you are tracking funds and budgets via spreadsheets, you know how cumbersome and time-consuming the creation of those are—not to mention maintaining them.
Accurate, easily accessible, and up-to-the-minute budgets are critical not just to accounting but to every program manager and organization executive.
Intacct software for nonprofits makes it easy to review budgeted amounts, dollars spent, committed funds, and available budget. Quickly produce comparative statements for your management staff and board of directors showing the budget-to-actual position for your programs, grants, departments, and other cost centers. Easily estimate future periods and calculate forecasted financial positions, including “what-if” scenarios for better decision making.
The above Q&A is question number 4 from our whitepaper titled “13 Questions Nonprofit Organizations Need To Ask When Buying A New Accounting Solution.” To get answers to all 13 questions, download the full whitepaper.