In a perfect world, our documentation for paper trails at audit time would be plentiful and flawless. But then, in a perfect world, who would need audits anyway?

In our real world, prone to errors and mishaps, audits are critical in finding the weaknesses in business processes before those weaknesses cause major setbacks that threaten compliance. The trails you leave throughout the year that reflect your activity and changes provide a wealth of information for your auditors and your team.

While every business strives to achieve perfection in documentation and changes, these goals are easier set than achieved. Manually teasing out all the changes made in the system isn’t always easy, and in the face of last-minute crunch time tasks, proactive documentation is often the first to go.

Intacct is savvy to all the ways financial systems experience data modification and the common trouble areas where businesses see pitfalls in notating, retrieving, storing and reporting that data. Intacct’s key audit feature, Audit Trail, aims to reduce potential errors or missing modification trails, to offer clear notes and reports within Intacct to reflect them.

To ensure you are getting the most value from Intacct’s audit features, discover what you can do in Intacct’s Audit Trail, and on your own, to strengthen your paper trail before your next audit catches you off-guard.

Register for our Intacct Cloud Byte session on May 18, 2017 at 2 PM EST and discover how Intacct’s new audit feature can help you boost your paper trail and get your financial documentation processes in line for the next audit.

In this webcast, you will learn:

  • How to document modifications from the start to ensure you can always find your way back to the point of change.
  • Tools available to you for notating right in Intacct when changes happen.
  • How to make use of new and existing reporting options to quickly and easily compile changes in one place.
  • How to see all the changes made to stay on top of all modifications.
  • What objects appear on Audit Trail, and what doesn’t, to ensure you have manual notes where you need them.

Intacct’s audit feature makes the changes to your financials more transparent and easier to follow. Whether you’ve encountered rapid growth, complicated transactions or important adjustments to client data, your proactive documentation is more organized, easier to locate, and easier to compile.

Find out more about how you can keep your financials healthy, cut down on audit prep time, and boost up your paper trail with Intacct’s new audit feature in our next Cloud Bytes session.