At the age of 11 years old, my wife Danielle was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. As a young girl, she was very confused as to exactly what the diagnosis meant and how it would change her life. Knowledge of the condition was more limited and the medical technology at the time was not nearly as sophisticated as it is today. She went through many dietary plans in her first few years and had a hard time adjusting to the constant shots, blood sugar tests, weighing food, counting carbs and so much more. She stayed healthy and made it through those early years, but things definitely could have been explained better to make the process easier. That’s where the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) comes in. They help young children in all areas adjust to this monumental lifestyle change.
But age is not relevant. I have people in my life who have diabetes all from different age groups. As young as two and as old as eighty-five, with loads in between. Each and every one of them deserves hope. They deserve better insulin, more accurate meters, the artificial pancreas, and when it comes to the CURE. I want it for everyone. For my wife and all of my friends and their loved ones.
JDRF is the only global organization with a strategic plan to progressively remove the impact of T1D from people’s lives until it is no longer a threat to anyone. JDRF is about teamwork, family, and support. They encompass everything an organization should.
All of these reasons explain why we have chosen to support the JDRF One Walk. It is a fun, family-friendly event where dedicated walkers, volunteers, and sponsors raise money to make living with T1D safer and healthier—until it is no longer a threat.
How can you support our team and JDRF?
- Make a Donation! Click on our Type 1derful link and donate to our team!
- Be a Corporate Sponsor for our team!
- Donate $500:
- Your Company logo on our team shirts.
- Donate $750:
- Your Company logo on our team shirts,
- Your Company logo on our website as a sponsor.
- Donate $1,000:
- Your Company logo on our team shirts,
- Your Company logo on our website as a sponsor,
- Your Company logo on a Walk booth,
- Your Company logo on the JDRF website as a sponsor.
- Donate your corporate payment online here OR mail a check made payable to JDRF to Massey Consulting’s office at 1100 Logger Court, Suite F-102, Raleigh, NC 27609.
- Email your logo to us by October 6, 2017.
- Walk with the Massey team ‘Team 1derful’! Register to walk with our team, collect pledges, share the camaraderie and join us on walk day!
Register for Team 1derful