When service businesses use the cloud for their accounting and sales processes, they often require more than one application to manage their data, however much of the same data needs to populate both systems accurately for the company to function and grow with accuracy and efficiency.  

Up to now, the transference of that data has rested on shoulders of individuals re-keying or manually transferring critical information to ensure the data gets to where it needs to go, be it on the PSA or ERP side.

This tedious transferring process interrupts other important tasks from happening, which weighs on time, accuracy, and productivity for everyone on board.

The key to maintaining the highest level of information integrity as it travels between cloud platforms is to streamline the data transfer process.

When you add in a bridging program like mConnect, to unite ConnectWise and Sage Intacct, the critical task of imports and exports in the cloud becomes effortless as data travels seamlessly and accurately between your two most critical best-in-class solutions.

Customizable options mean less manual and repeated filtering for your team. Transfers are automated to happen on your command, or on schedule, to fit your unique company requirements. Data options are synchronized to populate everything where you need it for impactful benefits in all areas of your business.  

By supplementing your systems with a powerful talking tool like mConnect, you free up your team to accomplish more in less time:

  • Mark invoices automatically as paid.
  • Bypass running integrations – mConnect takes care of the legwork.
  • See real-time sales numbers as quickly as you need them.
  • Track invoicing from a single point in time, anytime.
  • Harness critical data with just one click.
  • Map the fields you need from ConnectWise to any location in mConnect to sail over to Intacct.
  • Gather accurate stock counts from anywhere your team goes in the field.

This means your team can work confidently across platforms without waiting for someone to update and transfer information, or worrying about lacking critical data when meeting with clients.

You quickly free your team to work do what they do best, in the area of their expertise, and it puts you in driver’s seat of your company decisions. Meetings are more productive. Your team is more confident, and business continuity is strong.

If you currently use ConnectWise and Intacct for your service and accounting solutions, consider getting in touch with our team to discover how our integration tools can re-define importing and exporting to bridge the gap between your most needed business efficiency solutions and support the consistency and accuracy of your data.