Join us on December 14th from 2-2:30 pm ET for our monthly CloudBytes!

Bulletproof data security is critical to company survival, and your clients’ peace of mind. With so much information is at our fingertips, it seems everyone’s data these days runs the risk of being compromised at any time. The responsibility is in the hands of every company out there to put as much attention on tight security as they do in their products.

Sage Intacct strives to defend your security at every level – from where your data is housed, right down to user permissions and restrictions. Sage Intacct takes security past the obvious to protect sensitive information in the software by offering options in company security, console security, module security, and data shielding.

In this month’s Cloud Bytes session, step-by-step we show you how to shield your data using permissions, approvals, and data recording and reporting options. In this session, you’ll learn:

  • How to assign user-based and admin permissions to ensure only the right people have access to sensitive data.
  • How to ensure only authorized people can make changes to their company, client and product information with best practices for regularly scheduled user permission reviews.
  • What types of data can be tracked in audit logs and trails, and how to detect high-level system modifications.
  • How to create added security at the transaction level with customized approvals and permissions, to prevent errors and unauthorized activity.
  • Techniques to build, customized and modify transaction documents to limit user actions, and boost security in all your company transactions.
  • Unique ways to protect sensitive projects, and shield critical project data by creating highly- customized reports so only authorized users can see the data they need.

During the session, we will be taking your questions, so be sure to write down your thoughts beforehand and bring them with you to the webinar. Any questions we don’t have time to address will be covered in a follow-up email for attendees.

Today, when so many threats can compromise information, there is no such thing as too careful when it comes to your company and your clients. Join us for our free Cloud Bytes session happening on December 21, at 2 PM ET to get the most protection you can from Sage Intacct’s best-in-class financial management solutions.

Keep your data safe and sound!

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